The right computer for you! (Part 1)

Choosing the right computer is a bit like choosing the right car. So many things to look at and there's still a chance to come out undecided.

When it comes to purchasing a brand new computer, whether laptop or desktop, there's just all these elements that have to coincide with our checklist that when we go there might've evolved about a dozen times or just the computer we thought we so dearly wanted is just not what we wanted at all.

Choosing the right computer is a like picking something huge; like a car. We look at it, we decide, we think over and over and there's still a chance that we are undecided at the end of the day. I'd like to help clarify some of those problems to better guide you to the purchase of the right computer for you.

First thing's first. Forget about brands because essentially every computer is identical to the next one (on a consumer level that is); They all have a motherboard, a CPU, RAM memory, a (few) hard drive, a power supply, (optionally, a dedicated video card) and of course, all the components aren't floating in mid air, they're in a case!

The first check you should cross of your list is the goal of your new computer; What will it do for you?

For internet browsing, home theater and simple document editing

Let's agree to disagree. From the many computers that I have built over the course of my 7 yr. career, I have always asked my customers what it is they want to do with a computer so that I may direct them in a good direction and not spend money that is better used somewhere else.
For internet browsing, occasional YouTube or 720p movie download at home or even the overly-overexaggerated task of document editing, whether it's 1-50 pgs or 50+, you don't need a computer that can solve the mysteries of the universe in 2.7 nanoseconds.

For such light task builds, I recommend the simplest of builds:

CPU: Any... Dual Core intel latest generation or legacy support CPU
         Any... Dual Core AMD AM3+ CPU.
RAM: I always suggest contemplating the existence of your computer with only 4 gigabytes of ram since there's not that many applications that really demand so much of your computer that could eventually exceed the use of 4 measly gigabytes of ram. Especially when using Windows 7 which requires exactly 768m for basic OS needs.
GPU: Integrated works best since your work shall not require anything graphically intensive. Dedicating 256mb of your Random Access Memory will erase all lag with Aero on windows 7 and will surely not give you any problems under windows 8/8.1 given that the drivers are properly installed.
HDD: This one is entirely up to you, the customer. Thinking about downloading the whole internet just because you need to have every file in existence? Grab yourself a high performance 7200rpm 1TeraByte (1000 Gigabytes) hard drive, or for those who are more speed enthusiasts rather than space, you have the option between the Hybrid Hard Drive or even an SSD for all your blazing speed cravings.
PSU: A light computer such as this one does not require much electricity to run. You can pick up any good ol' 350W Power supply from the nearby Electronics recycle store and if it works, your computer should too!
MB: Don't get ahead of yourselves ladies and gentlemen. Motherboards are indeed an essential component since they hold the whole ordeal of complicated electronics together, but think for a second. Is there really a need to go with a 200$, maybe even 300$ motherboard for a computer that will be on only when you need it to and just .... not perform at its factory expectations? I think not. Any low end 50$ motherboard will be a perfect fit for a "monster" to take care of your important work.


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